View Batch

View Batch

View Batch

The View Batch screen lists all payment records associated with the Batch. A new table, dbo.TransactionGroups and a new column in dbo.Remittances, TransactionGroup, were added to establish the relationship between Batches and Remittances. An example of the View Batch screen is shown below.

View Batch Screen
  • (1)The header area displays summary information about the Batch.
    • The following information is entered on the New Batch or updated on the Edit Batch screens. 
      • Transaction Date
      • Batch ID
      • Default Payer
      • Remittance Date
      • RA Number
      • Check Amount
    • The following displayed amounts are system-calculated values that are updated each time new payments are added or existing payments are edited. An example of updated values for these amounts is below.
      • Payments
      • Adjustments
      • Patient Responsibility
  • (2) The following filters are available to help refine the search results to expedite finding a specific payment record. These filters persist when navigating between Batches and to other parts of the application until the filters are cleared or you exit the application.
    • Service Date
    • Client
    • Payer
    • Payment Amount
    • Status
  • (3) When importing an 835 file and the Client or Charge does not match a record in the system, the payment row is created in Not Ready status, and no value displays in Client or Charge or both.
    • A non-specific Payer Payment (from the PLB segment) row from an 835 import also remains in Not Ready status.
    • The payment cannot be marked as Ready until it is matched to a Client and Charge.
    • Select the record to open the Edit Row screen.
  • (4) Select the blue +ADD ROW button to open the New Row screen to manually enter a payment record to the batch or select the +ADD NSPP to add a Non-Specific Payer Payment.
    • More detail on these types of Payments is found in the New or Edit Row section.
    • In the image below, two manual payment records were added to illustrate (5) and (6) below.
View Batch Screen (Part 2)
  • (5) The following Payment was manually entered for Client #000042 Abott.
    • Allowed Amount = $33.15
    • Contractual Adjustment = $3.15 (Adjustments in the header updated.)
    • Payment Amount = $20.00 (Payments in the header updated.)
    • Patient Responsibility = $10.00 (Patient Responsibility in the header updated.)
  • (6) A $0.00 Payment was also entered for the same Client - the Denial Reason displays in the Denials column.
  • (7) Apply the following bulk actions to all or selected records in the Batch by using the checkboxes, selecting an action, and then clicking the blue APPLY button.
    • Mark Ready
    • Mark Not Ready
    • Delete
    • Select all checkboxes at once by clicking on the checkbox with the count of records selected, for example, 0 of 10 selected, located above the Status column.

Selecting any row opens the Edit Row screen and view/edit the payment information.


Mon, 02/28/2022 - 16:23