EchoVantage v3.40


EV Release Notes Header

Version 3.40-Hotfix 3, Released October 7, 2022                                                                                                                Previous Release Notes


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The document checking permissions were updated to take place within EchoVantage so as to rely on Alfresco less. The changes should reduce the load on the Alfresco instances and improve the responsiveness of searching and filtering.

Version 3.40-Hotfix 2, Released September 27, 2022   


Ticket Number Description
 EV-5010 In the 3.40 release, we made the Uncategorized Documents permission explicit. An unintended side effect of that change is that documents tagged to categories that do not appear within EV - as in, only specified within Alfresco - are no longer visible within EV. This hotfix adds a method for Echo to change the behavior of the Uncategorized Documents permission to behave the same way that it did previously on a per-agency basis.
This change will allow for better troubleshooting and correcting the out-of-sync document categories before restoring the current behavior.

Version 3.40-Hotfix1, Released September 16, 2022                                                                                                                                           


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Because of continuing issues with the built-in search feature of Alfresco, we have implemented an alternate solution using additional metadata.

Bug Fix

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An issue was reported where Timeline depictions for multiple same day records did not generate a popup with clickable links to each individual record. This issue was addressed, and now depictions with multiple same day records generate a popup with clickable links with or without a search filter in use.

Version 3.40, Released September 7, 2022

New Features

Storing Document Metadata Pulled from Alfresco into SQL

The first phase of work to allow querying document data for writing custom reports is complete. The processes necessary to pull Metadata from Documents stored in Alfresco into SQL are included in this release. A process syncs new documents (inserts) and updated documents (edit, delete) moving forward. There is no UI for the initial release, but once the dbo.DocumentMetaData table is populated, the following data can be accessed via a SQL query.

  • File Name

  • Document Category

  • Description

  • Document Date

  • Upload Date

  • Upload User

  • Alfresco ID

  • Alfresco Path

In addition, when Auditing > Track Changes is enabled for the dbo.DocumentMetaData table, uploads or deletions performed directly in Alfresco are captured in Audit Search. Files uploaded or deleted in Alfresco are reflected immediately in the Documents tabs (Clients, Families, Placements, and Staff), but may take up to the full polling interval of 5 minutes before they are reflected in the Audit Search.

Document Categories Locations and Permissions

A Location column was added to the Document Categories defined list in Configuration > Setup > Defined Lists. Each Category can have a single Location assigned, or left blank for all Locations. If an existing Category is used in more than one Location, but not for all four, an additional Category must be added to accommodate the second/third Location. The following Location values are valid.

  • S for Staff

  • P for Space (Placements)

  • C for Client

  • F for Family

  • Leave blank for all locations

Document Categories

These Location codes display in Configuration > Services/Payers > Permissions > Document Categories so both Location and Category can be considered when granting User Group access. In addition, a new Uncategorized row was added making the ability to upload documents without a category explicitly permissible.

  • When Uncategorized is selected, user group members can upload and view documents that do not have a Category associated with them.

  • When Uncategorized is NOT selected, user group members must select a category before uploading documents, and they are not able to view documents that do not have a Category assigned.

Document Category Permissions

The following images illustrate the differences between a member of each User Group when uploading a Document in the Clients > Documents tab.

10 minute logoff

  • Category is required

  • Only two permissible values


Limited Document Category Permissions


  • Category is not required

  • Three permissible values

Full Document Category Permissions



New Configuration Options for 270 Export

New options were added to the Additional Options section of the Eligibility tab in Configuration > Services/Payers > Payers.

270 Configuration Additional Options

  • A checkbox was added for Payer Requires Policy Number.

    • This new option is only available to select when the parent option, Send Client Policy Number, is selected.

    • When selected, a client that does not have a policy number on file for the payer is excluded from the eligibility check.

    • When not selected, clients without a policy number on file for the payer are still included in the file.

  • Send Client Address and Payer Requires Address options were added.

    • Select Send Client Address to include client addresses in the eligibility file.

      • Only current, billing addresses are included.

      • A current billing address is one where the Billing? column value is set to YES on the Client Contact Information screen, and the End Date is blank or greater than the day the Eligibility Report is run.

    • If Send Client Address is not selected, no client addresses are sent in the file.

    • Payer Requires Address is only available to select if Send Client Address is selected.

      • When selected, clients that do not have a current billing address defined in their Contact Information are excluded from the file.

      • When not selected, clients without a current, billing address are still included in the file, their address information, however, is not.

  • A checkbox was added for Payer Requires Gender.

    • This new option is only available to select when the parent option, Send Client Gender, is selected.

    • If a Payer requires Gender, Clients with a value of 'U' - Unknown or NULL (no value) for Gender are not reported.

    • If a Payer does NOT require Gender, Clients with a Gender of NULL or 'U' Unkown are reported without a Gender value.


270 Error Tip

270 Job Performance Improvements

For larger agencies, the 270 job creation could take more than two hours to complete for a single day, single payer job. An update was made to the job creation process reducing the time to completion to well under an hour. The time to completion did vary based on the size of the job and the server load when the job is run.

Waterfall to Self-Pay Changes When the Service is Not Billable to Self-Pay

The waterfall process was updated to set the Service status to DONE when Self-Pay is the only remaining payer in the waterfall, and the Service Definition is set to Not billable to this payer for Self-Pay. When the waterfall job is created, the Service is set to DONE and the following errors are generated for the job.

  • No valid client Payers for service, remaining balance will be written off.

  • No Charge could be created for this Client and Service Definition.

For example, client Rocky Cliff has a commercial payer (837P) and a self-pay payer (SELF). A counseling service was provided on 08/22/22 and billed to Payer 1. Payer responded with a $100.00 payment and the Claim Details are shown below.

Self-Pay Changes Example 1

The Waterfall to the next payer checkbox was selected when the payment was entered, and a waterfall job is expected. When the Process Transactions job is finalized, the following warning and error are triggered for the Service.

Self-Pay Changes Service Processing Warning

The remaining amount cannot waterfall to the self-pay payer because the provided Service is not billable to self-pay, so the Service status is now set to DONE, shown below, in addition to the Charge Status.

Self-Pay Charges Service Set to Done

In the Claim Detail, the $100.00 balance that did not waterfall to Self-Pay was written off with a balance zeroing credit adjustment.

Balance Zeroing Credit Instead of Waterfall

CMS 1500: Rendering and Supervising Improvements

In Configuration > Services/Payers > Payers > Billing Methods > CMS 1500, Box 24J (Unshaded): NPI can be configured to report the Rendering or Supervising Staff NPI or nothing, and Box 31: Signature of Physician or Supplier can be configured to report Rendering or Supervising Staff.


Box 24J Unshaded


Box 31

Similarly, both boxes allow for a Staff taxonomy to be reported.

Boxes 24J Unshaded and 31

To provide more complete and accurate billing, the following three improvements were made to the Fiscal Overview > Unbilled Charges > Create Bills process when the CMS 1500 Billing Method is selected.

  1. When Supervising Staff is selected for Box 24J (Unshaded): NPI, and there is no Supervising Staff on the service, the system falls back to reporting the Rendering Staff’s NPI if the Rendering has an NPI.

  2. The Taxonomy reported in Box 24 or Box 31 is now always the Taxonomy for the Staff being reported, Rendering or Supervising.

  3. If Supervising Staff is selected in either box, 24J (Unshaded): NPI or Box 31: Signature of Physician or Supplier, and the Rendering Staff is reported because the services do not have a Supervising Staff, a CMS 1500 is now created for each Rendering Staff. Previously, multiple Rendering providers were reported on the same claim form when Supervising was selected but there was no Supervisor on the service.

Enabling Audit > Track Changes for dbo.FamilyMemberAssignedLabels

SQL errors were reported when attempting to enable Track Changes in Configuration > Setup > Audit for the dbo.FamilyMemberAssignedLabels table. The issue was resolved by adding all expected audit fields, id, primary key, CreateDate, and UpdateDate, to dbo.FamilyMemberAssignedLabels.

Auditing Column Types Info


The following new reports were added.

Administration Reports

  • Caseload by Primary Enrollment Staff - This new core report list the detailed staff caseload information for the Primary Enrollment Staff person only.

  • Missing Client Documents - This new report is driven by the DocumentDate in the dbo.DocumentMetaData table and returns a list of Clients that are missing documents of Type C (Client) in the specified date range. The report defaults to a one-month date range, ending the date the report is run. Documents without a date are not considered missing but unexpired. The report rows are grouped by Category and sorted by Client.

The following reports were updated.

Administration Reports

  • Enrollment Census Report - This report now displays the diagnosis associated with the Program which should help with determining why census billing is not working.

Billing Reports

  • 837I Audit - This report was updated to include void requests.

Fiscal Reports

  • Aging Detail By Payer - Updated to display the column headers on all pages of the report.

  • Aging Detail By Program - same as above

  • Aging Report by Payer - same as above

  • Aging Report by Program - same as above

  • Historical Aging - same as above

  • _Aging Detail For Export - same as above

  • _Aging report For Export - same as above

  • Monthly Fiscal Summary - This report was updated to no longer list payments that have NOT been posted to the GL.


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The service creation process was updated to ensure that a Telemed session is NOT created for an Add On service. If the parent service was provided via Telemed, this update ensures that none of the Telemed information is copied to the associated Add On service(s).


Updates were made to allow the header icons for Alerts, Downloads, Messages, Reports, and Help to display with the proper spacing when viewed on an Ipad screen.


The User Groups now display in alphabetical order (from left to right) in Configuration > Client Chart > VHR Timeline when viewing the VHR Categories in the Header Editor.


The document upload limit was increased from 50 MB to 250 MB to accomodate larger document sizes.


The default number of clients displayed in the Clinical Home > Client List was increased from 30 to 100. In addition, the SHOW ALL button was removed and the text was updated to display “Showing X of XX. User the filter to narrow the results.”

Clinical Home Client List Updated Message


The following columns in the dbo.LevelsOfCare table were expanded to aid when converting data from CDT to EV.

  • Code - increased from 10 to 20 (varchar)

  • Description - increased from 30 to 100 (varchar)


The default number of clients displayed in Configuration > Staff/Users > Client List Filters Client List search is now limited to 100 to preserve performance when there are a large number of Staff. In addtion, the text was updated to display “Showing X of XX. User the filter to narrow the results.” when scrolling reaches the end of the list.

Client List Updated Message


Improvements were made to the process used to update Client Group members to reduce the server memory footprint when updating Client Group members. Now when working with a group of 400 members with 1000 future events scheduled, the page loads in approximately three seconds. Similarly, if a member is added, removed, or a component code configuration is changed for an existing member, the changes are saved for all events in just a few seconds.


This change was also included in v3.39 Hotifx-5… The scheduler queries were restructured to improve performance and now can properly use the indexes for the associated tables.

Bug Fixes

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An issue was reported where the progress note indicator icons for Group Events were not displaying properly. The issue was addressed, and now the progress note indicator with the highest severity is displayed when the Service Definition requires a progress note. Note that complete in the following scenarios means populated and signed.

  • If some individual progress notes for Group Client members are complete and the service is created for the remaining member but the progress note is not started, AND the Service Definition does not require a progress note, then the Event displays the Signed Progress Note icon on the scheduler. (The Missing Progress Note (Not Required) icon does not display because the Service Definition does not require a note.)

  • If some individual progress notes for Group Client members are complete and the service is created for the remaining member but the note is not started, AND the Service Definition requires a progress note, then the Event displays the Missing Progress Note icon on the scheduler.

  • If some individual progress notes are completed and the note for the remaining Group Client member is started but not signed, then the Event displays the Unsigned Progress Note icon on the scheduler.

  • If some individual progress notes are complete and the note for the remaining Group Client member is a mismatch for the note required by the Service Definition, then the Event displays the Progress Note does not match Service Definition icon on the scheduler.

  • If all individual progress notes for the Group Client members are complete, then the Event displays the Signed Progress Note icon on the scheduler.

  • If I have a group of four clients where two have complete progress notes, one has a service with an unsigned progress note, and the last has a service without a note started, AND the Service Definition requires a progress note, then the Event displays the Missing Progress Note icon on the scheduler.

Note Status Colors


11789, 13192

An issue was reported where document searches were no longer case insensitive. The issue was addressed and now users can search for documents without having to have the case exactly correct. An information banner was also added to inform the user that uploaded files may not be immediately available in search results as Alfresco needs a few moments to index.



An issue was reported where the Discard and Send buttons for Direct Message could get pushed off the message screen. The issue was addressed and now the Discard and Send buttons remain on the bottom right as expected.

Direct Messages - DISCARD or SEND


10944, 14253

An intermittent issue was reported where the Sign/Send buttons on a Progress Note would flash briefly and then disappear after saving, requiring a screen refresh before displaying again. The cause was due to a race condition where the note could be called back before all the data was saved in the database. The issue was resolved by delaying the call back until the Progress Note data is completely saved.



An issue was reported where Client was not a signature option when opening a pop-up form from a Progress Note in Services. When that same Service, Progress Note, and Pop-Up form were opened from the VHR Timeline, Client was a signature option. The issue was addressed and now Client is always an available option when signing a Progress Note.



The validation message that displayed on a Service when the Client Diagnosis and Other Diagnosis were the same value was formatted improperly and not user friendly. The message was updated to display Duplicate diagnoses are selected.

Duplicate Diagnosis Selected



An issue was reported where double-clicking an Event to view it from the Clients > Scheduler page would launch a new, blank Event in error under certain circumstances. The issue was addressed and now the selected Event opens as expected.



In Configuration > Staff/Users > Permissions, an issue was reported where the column headers were not staying fixed when scrolling vertically and horizontally. The issue was addressed and now the column headers scroll as expected



An issue was reported where Client Fee amounts of $0.00 or 0% were not displayed in the Amount field under the Client Fees section of Clients > Payers. The issue was addressed and now the “zero” amounts display properly.

Zero Percent Client Fee Indicated

Family Ability to Pay amounts will continue to display “Calculated” under Amount as the value, the remaining balance, is calculated during billing.



An issue was reported where the Service Processing check was not validating the End Date of Staff credential(s) against the service date when creating charges in Fiscal Overview > Unprocessed Services > Create. The issue was addressed, and now if the credential End Date is before the Service Date, and no other valid credential exists, an Error or Warning is triggered depending on the selection in the Payers > Processing “Only Bill for These Staff Credentials” > Credential Error Action setting.

Credential Error Actions

  • Hold - results in an Error

  • Release - results in a Warning



An issue was addressed where a payer’s 837I Billing Method configuration could be saved with an incomplete Default Bill Type value resulting in an error when creating bills. The issue was resolved by adding validation to prevent the SAVE button from being enabled before one of the following is true.

  • The Default Bill Type has 2 characters/digits and the Claim Frequency Code checkbox IS selected.

  • The Default Bill Type has 3 characters/digits and the Claim Frequency Code checkbox is NOT selected.



An issue was reported where the Duration/Units value for Per Diem services was missing when viewing the Job Details in Fiscal Overview > Unprocessed Services > Create Charges > History. The issue was resolved and now the Duration/Units values correctly displays.



An issue was discovered where the EchoVantage custom error messages were no longer displayed when an error was encountered with the creation or update or a Telemedicine session. The issue is resolved and custom errors display when available in place of the generic errors.



An issue was addressed in Labs were test names that included commas were being split into multiple rows. The issue is resolved and now test names with commas display fully on a single row.



An issue was addressed on the Fiscal Overview > Unprocessed Services > Create Charges where canceling or confirming a job in the confirmation modal would break the pagination. The issue has been addressed, and now the pagination displays properly while navigating the pages, even after a job is canceled or confirmed.



An issue was reported where an active Client Contact's name did not display on the card under the Active header if the first name was not entered. The issue was addressed, and now the Contact name displays, even if only the first name is entered.

Client Contact Names

Active Client Contacts





A regression was addressed in Remittances > Batches where marking a batch ready from the Batches home screen failed but marking the same batch items as Ready or Not Ready from either the View Batch or Edit Row screen was successful for all items. The issue was addressed and now the MARK AS READY button works as expected.



In Configuration > Services/Payers > Payers > Payer Mappings, the number field (NPI, Taxonomy, Provider Number) did not display as a required field which allowed the SAVE button to enable after only selecting the Defined Filter. When SAVE was selected with just a Defined Filter a success and a failed on screen action message displayed, and an INSERT fails error message was also thrown. The number fields are now marked as required, resulting in the SAVE button only enabling when both the Defined Filter and number fields are completed.



In Configuration > Setup > Defined Lists, there was no validation for the Staff Roles label, users could enter more than the allowed 255 characters and the entry would be truncated on SAVE without any notification. This issue has been addressed, and now if more than 255 characters are entered, the SAVE button is not enableed and a validation error displays.

Staff Roles Label Validation



An issue was reported where a Family could not be deleted even though there were no Forms, Documents, or Ability to Pay records. The issue was addressed, and now a Family can be deleted if there are no associated Forms, Documents, or Ability to Pay records.



An issue was addressed in Configuration > Setup > Defined Lists for the Gender Identities list where the EndDate field Validation threw the following incorrect error even if the date was properly formatted “The EndDate may not be greater than 0 characters.” The validation is corrected and now Gender Identities can be end-dated when needed.

Mon, 10/24/2022 - 09:15

EchoVantage v3.44-Hotfix 2 Release Notes

Version 3.44-Hotfix 2, Released March 2,, 2023                                                                                        Previous Release Notes


Ticket Number



Outcome Based Treatment Plans

A highly utilized sql function, dbo.DateTimeforTimeZone, was optimized to improve performance.

Version 3.44-Hotfix 1, Released February 17, 2023

Bug Fixes

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Case Number




An issue was reported where some custom forms failed to load due to a Null Pointer Exception. The cause was an unfocusable component, i.e., a button, in the first position (Tab Order = 0). This issue was addressed, and now forms load as expected.

Version 3.44, Released February 7, 2023

New Features

Using the Claim Amount as the Paid Amount When Importing an 835

The 835 Import screen includes a new option to use the Claim Amount as the Paid Amount and should be selected when a Payer includes the payment and details in the claim line (CLP segment) and the allowed amount in the service line (SV segment). The 835 import screen was restyled to accommodate this new option.

  • The Use Allowed Amount as Paid Amount checkbox was removed and is now found in the Advanced section which enables the user to define the amount to use as the Paid Amount.

  • Select the down arrow to expand the ADVANCED section.

Import 835


Import 835 Advanced Section


  • Use Service Amount as the Paid Amount is selected by default.

  • Click on the help icon (blue question mark) to view a brief description of each Paid Amount type.

Outcome Based Treatment Plans New Features

Adding Assessments from the Face Sheet, Encounter, or client Treatment Plan

The ability to add an Assessment from the Face Sheet, Encounter, or Client Treatment Plan is complete and introduces the first phase in the Clinical Hub functionality. Once configured, the only action needed is to hover over the speed dial (blue plus) to access the Assessment feature. This speed dial is now displayed on the following three screens.

From the Face Sheet From an Encounter From the Client Treatment Plan
Add Assessment from the Face Sheet
Add Assessment from an Encounter
Add an Assessment from the Client Treatment Plan


For the assessment option to show as pictured above, the Include as option in Clinical Hub switch must be enabled in Configuration > Client Chart > Treatment Plan > Assessments for the assessment(s) to be accessed. This new option is disabled by default for all Assessments. The image below shows the Clinical Hub switch enabled for the PHQ-9 Assessment. A new column in txp.Assessments, ShowInClinicalHub, stores a Y if enabled or N if disabled.

Include as option in Clinical Hub

Adding Assessments

Add an Assessment simply by hovering over the speed dial on the Face Sheet, Encounter, or Client Treatment Plan and clicking on the Assessment button. If only one assessment is configured for inclusion in the Clinical Hub, that Assessment form opens in a new modal, in insert mode, with the current Client in focus passed to the form. If more than one assessment is configured for inclusion in the Clinical Hub, a New Assessment modal opens with a card displayed for each assessment. This card includes the date the assessment was last given.

Select New Assessment

Click on the blue SELECT button for the desired assessment. The New Assessment modal closes and the Assessment form opens in a new modal, also in insert mode, with the current Client in focus passed to the form.

New Assessment in Insert Mode

Viewing Assessments

Once an assessment is completed and saved, it is displayed in the Activities Feed on the Face Sheet. Select the record to view the assessment form. If the assessment was added from an Encounter, then the new assessment is displayed in the Encounter summary card.

The collapsed summary card view displays the Assessment icon. If more than one assessment was given, a count of assessments is displayed with the icon.

Collapsed Summary with Single Assessment
Collapsed Summary with Multiple Assessments

Use the down arrow next to the edit pencil to expand the card to view the details.

Expanded Summary with Single Assessment
Expanded Summary with Multiple Assessments

In the expanded view, select the “open in new” icon (blue box with the arrow on the far right of the assessment row) to view the completed assessment. If the Encounter has been signed, the assessment opens in read-only mode.

Specifying Multiple Treatment Methods Within an Intervention

When adding or editing a Problem’s Intervention on a Client Treatment Plan, more than one Treatment Method can now be selected.

Select Multiple Treatment Methods

When viewing the Intervention screen, the selected Treatment Methods are listed and each has its own section. Objectives (and Milestones) can be selected for each Treatment Method independently.

Multiple Treatment Methods Selected

When working in an Encounter and choosing Objectives, the Objectives are grouped by Treatment Method in a collapsible section.

Choose Objectives for Multiple Treatment Methods on Encounter

Once selected, each Treatment Method is shown in a collapsible section under the Problem tab on the Encounter form.

Encounter with Multiple Interventions and Treatment Methods

And similarly, viewing the Encounter on the Timeline or Informs displays the Objectives grouped by Treatment Method in collapsible sections.

View Encounter from the Timeline

Setting the Discontinue Date on a Client Treatment Plan

A Client Treatment Plan can now be discontinued. The EDIT icon no longer immediately creates a draft version of the plan. Users can now choose either Addendum, the existing behavior of creating a draft, or Discontinue, a new option for when the currently active plan will no longer be used.

Discontinue Treatment Plan

When Discontinue is selected, a new Discontinue Treatment Plan modal displays.

Discontinue Treatment Plan Modal
  • End Date - This is a required field and cannot be before the Start Date of the Treatment Plan

  • Reason - This is also a required field.

    • The drop-down list is populated with values from the Treatment Plan Discontinue Reasons in Configuration > Setup > Defined Lists

    • This list must be populated before a Treatment Plan can be successfully discontinued.

    • Treatment Plan Discontinue Reasons
    • Additional Information - This optional text field allows up to 500 characters to record additional notes or comments.

Once a plan is discontinued, the plan Summary screen shows the discontinued information, highlighted with a yellow background.

Discontinued Treatment Plan Summary Screen

The plan’s summary card on the Face Sheet also indicates the plan is discontinued.

Before After
Treatment Plans Before Discontinuing
Treatment Plans After Discontinuing

Any Outcome cards for Problems that are only on Discontinued Treatment Plans,

  • Continue to show for 90 days after the End Date of the Treatment Plan

  • Do not have a “New Encounter” button

  • Display an info banner at the bottom of the card with the text: “The associated Treatment Plan is discontinued”

Outcome Related to Discontinued Plan

Problems cannot be added to a discontinued plan. The following message displays.

New Problem Not Available for Discontinued Plan

Encounters and Discontinued Treatment Plans

New Encounters cannot be created for Discontinued Treatment Plans. If an Incomplete Encounter exists, it can still be completed but additional Interventions, Objectives, and Milestones cannot be added. In the image below, the Edit Intervention Objectives screen is from an Incomplete Encounter. Intervention, Objective, and Milestone information that existed before the plan was discontinued still displays. This information can be edited, but nothing new can be added.

No New Encounter Information when Treatment Plan Discontinued

Correcting or Reversing a Plan Discontinued in Error

If a Treatment Plan is discontinued in error or if the discontinued information entered is incorrect, the plan can be returned to Active status. Do this by navigating to the discontinued plan’s summary screen and selecting the UNDO button.

Undo Discontinue

The following confirmation modal opens. Select UNDO to complete the process.

Confirm Undo Discontinuation


Unapplied Default Mapping for Segments 3 and 4

An Unapplied Default mapping can now be configured for Segments 3 and 4 in Configuration > Setup > GL Mapping. The Segment 3 and 4 screens were restyled so the Add Mapping and Add Default Mapping process has the same look and functionality as Segments 1 and 2.

Enable the Segment and select the blue plus to Add Mapping for Segment 4

Add Segment 4 Mapping


Then hover over the blue plus to display the orange Add Default Mapping icon, select and add the Unapplied Default Mapping.

Add Segment 4 Default Mapping


The Add Default Mapping button is disabled once a mapping is configured.

Disabled Add Default Mapping


CLP02 Value Used to Determine if a Zero Payment is a Denial

The Import 835 process was updated to use the CLP02 value to determine if a zero payment is a denial. Now the zero payment is treated as a denial only if the CLP02 value is 4. Before this change, all zero payments were assumed to be denials which paused the waterfall process by placing the charge in working status. This pause created an additional step when billing the next payer was appropriate.

Unapplied Client Balance Now Displayed in Clients > Account Screen

In response to customer requests, the Clients > Account screen now displays the balance of a client’s unapplied payment(s). The Unapplied Client Balance is determined by summing the client’s reconciled payments (Status = Ready) and subtracting any Remittance amounts created from those payments. The total does not include unreconciled client payments (Status = Not Ready). In addition, the Current Balance label was updated to Client Claim Balance to provide more clarity as to what that balance represents, and the amount displayed should always match the Total Client Balance in Claims.

Versions 3.43 and earlier

Version 3.44+

Clients Accounts v3.43 and below
Clients Accounts v3.44+

In the v3.44+ example above, the two payments outlined in red are the only ones not completely applied, and of those two, only the 1/3 payment was reconciled and marked ready. This payment has the pending icon (blue circle) and is included in the Unapplied Client Payments balance in the grey tab header. The 1/19 payment is in Not Ready status, as indicated by the vertical ellipse, and can still be voided.

Setting Self-Pay Charges to Done When a Zero Payment is Applied

A change was made to the Unprocessed Remittances > Process Transactions job to mark the self-pay charge as DONE if specific criteria are met. Now, when posting self-pay Remittances and

  • The amount is $0.00 and the Waterfall to the next payer checkbox is selected, a balance zeroing credit is created, and the self-pay charge is set to DONE.

  • The amount is $0.00 and the Waterfall to the next payer checkbox is NOT selected, the zero remittance shows and the charge remains in Active or Outgoing status.

  • The amount is not $0.00, regardless of whether the waterfall box is selected or not selected, the balance stays open and the status remains Active or Outgoing.

Reporting of Modifiers Based on Same Day Services

The Unprocessed Services > Create Charges process was updated to include Services with a DONE status during the check for Same Day Services process introduced in EchoVantage v3.41. When a Service Definitions Rate or Payer Rate Override has Procedure Modifiers based on Services defined, Services with a status of Batched, Ready, Charge Created, or Done count for the same day Service check when determining if modifiers should be applied. Services with a status of Not Ready do not count when checking for same-day Services.

Copying the Client Address for the Policy Holder Address

In Clients > Payers, when the Client is Policy Holder checkbox is not selected, additional fields display to capture information like the First Name, Last Name, and Address of the policy holder or subscriber. Often the client’s billing address and the address of the policy holder are the same, so this new button, COPY CLIENT ADDRESS, automates some of the data entry by importing the client’s active billing address with a single click. The client must have an active address with the Billing? field set to Yes for the address to import. Selecting the button does nothing if the client does not have a billing address or does not have an active billing address. If the client has multiple active billing addresses, one is chosen at random.

Copy Client Address

Excluding Specific Client(s) with the Client List Filter

A help icon was added in the upper right corner of the screen. When selected, help text displays which provides summary information on how the filters work.

Client List Filter Help Icon

In addition, a new Individual Client Exclusions section is available to configure when adding a Client List Filter of any type (Enrollment Staff, Enrollment Location, Enrollment Program, or Episode Staff) to a Staff member. The individual client(s) selected are excluded from the Staff’s client list regardless of the filter condition applied.

Individual Client Exclusions

A new Features Permission (in Configuration > Staff/Users > Permissions) controls access to the Individual Client Exclusion. The user must be a member of a User Group with this permission enabled for the Individual Client Exclusion section to display when adding or editing a Staff's Client List Filter.

Individual Client Exclusion Permission

Switching Between Lab Document Types

The Lab Order Details and the Lab Results Details screens accessed in the Labs main menu were redesigned to make switching the document VIEW types more intuitive and user-friendly. Now a blue banner with a VIEW drop-down list replaces the screen icon that required the user to hove to see the document view options.




Lab Order Details - ORDER


New Lab Order Details


Lab Order Details - RESULTS


New Lab Results Details


The following new reports were added.

Administration Reports

Billed Client Count by Primary Payer - This new report was designed with auditing functions in mind and lists a count of clients that have billed their primary payer. The report prompts for service Start and End Dates to be entered and then lists the client count by Payer Category and Payer Code. A client is only counted once regardless of how many charges for their Primary Payer occurred in the date range. Clients with self-pay only charges are not included because Self-Pay do not have a Payer Category.

Fiscal Reports

Client Credit Balance - This new report identifies clients who have made payments in excess of their self-pay charges. Information on future scheduled events and the next appointment helps the agency determine if a refund is appropriate. Clients are included in this new report when their Client Payment Balance is greater than their Client Claims Balance. The report includes the following information.

Report Column



Last Name, First Name, and Client Code

Credit Balance

Client Payment Balance minus Client Claims Balance, where

  • Client Payment Balance is the sum of all reconciled Client Payments less any Remittances created from those payments

  • Client Claims Balance is the Total Client Balance for that client in Claims

Scheduled Event

The count of the scheduled individual and group events for the client over the next year

Next Appointment

The date of the next scheduled individual or group event for the client


The following reports were updated.

Administration Reports

Staff Caseload Summary - This report was updated to ensure that clients with active Episodes and Enrollments are included in the report results.

Billing Reports

_CMS1500 - Updates were made so that Services are reported in date order starting with the earliest service at the top of the list.

_UB04 - Updates were made so that if the Exclude Billing Code and Modifiers checkbox is selected, the billing code and modifiers are correctly excluded on the UB04 report just as they are on the 837I. If this checkbox is not selected, the billing code and any configured modifiers are included on the report.

Fiscal Reports

Historical Aging Report - This report creates the historical aging using the entered GL Month and GL Year, and only includes transactions posted for the entered GL Period or earlier. The Aging as of Date parameter was removed because it was based on Service Date. The existing Aging Reports (summary and detail, by Payer or Program) should be used to view an aging by Service Date.

_Historical Aging Report for Export - The csv file export for the report above.

Services List - An update was made for the report to handle a null Service Start Time in preparation for an upcoming new feature. There were no changes to the existing behavior of this report.

_Services List for Export - The csv file export for the report above.

Unapplied Payments - Updates were made to

  • Ensure that Client Payments that are completely applied to a charge (Status = Done) are not included in the report.

  • The header of the With Charges section was updated to Transaction Date to clarify how Payer Unapplied Payments are included in the report.

  • Ensure that a previously applied Unapplied payment does not display when a second Unapplied Payment is posted to the same Charge.


Ticket Number



Replies to a Group Message now also show in the original message sender’s Inbox. This change allows users with only the Send Permission enabled for a Group Mailbox (in Configuration > Staff/Users > Permissions) to view the replies to their messages.

Before this change, users with the Send Permission could compose a message to the Group Mailbox but could never see the replies to that message. With this change, only the replies to their message are delivered to their Sent folder; other messages in the Group Mailbox that are not related remain in the Group Mailbox, visible only to users that have the View Permission enabled.


Outcome Based Treatment Plans

Navigating away or between Encounters now prompts for unsaved work. For example, if a Progress Note is started but not saved before selecting another tab to view, the following unsaved changes confirmation modal displays.

Unsaved Changes Confirmation
  • Select OK to navigate away and lose changes.

  • Select Cancel to return to the Encounter and save the changes.


Outcome Based Treatment Plans

If a duplicate Service is created via an Encounter, a confirmation modal now displays in place of the error. This confirmation allows the user to decide if it is OK to continue with the duplicate service creation or if they should Cancel and return to the Service Entry form to make changes. Previously, if duplicates were found an error displayed and no Service was created.

Same-Day Service Confirmation


The Address 2 information from the Client Contact form is now included in the Client Address in the Client Header.


Outcome Based Treatment Plans

When adding a Problem to a Treatment Plan that was Active with Draft status, whether from an Encounter or a Suggested Problem on the Face Sheet, the previous message displayed indicated that the Client did not have an Active Treatment Plan. This messaging was updated to provide more clarity when a Problem cannot be added.

  • If the status is Active with Draft, the message This Treatement Plan currently has a draft, and a problem cannot be added to it here. displays along with a link to View Treatment Plan.

  • If the status is Active, there is no message and blue SELECT button is available.

  • If the status is Discontinued, the message This Treatment Plan is discontinued and a problem cannot be added to it. displays along with a link to View Treatment Plan.

Adding New Problem Messages


Outcome Based Treatment Plans

Moving forward, when a Client Treatment Plan or Encounter infomration is shared to the My Care portal, the URL and method are now captured in dbo.MyCareRequestLogs.URL.

For example, POST https://.../auth or POST https://.../patient/resources


Outcome Based Treatment Plans

Updates were made to prevent changing the selected Problem on the Edit Problem modal on the Client Treatment Plan. This change was required to prevent saving a Treatment Plan with a Problem and Treatment Method combination that is not defined in Configuration > Client Chart > Treatment Plan > Problems. If the selected Problem must be changed, it can be deleted when the Plan is in Draft or Active with Draft status and reentered correctly. The Problem drop-down remains enabled when in the Add Problem modal.

Bug Fixes


Ticket Number

Case Number




An issue was addressed where multiple alerts resulted from one Event that did not have a Service associated with it. Staff should only receive one Alert per Event. The view used by the Events With No Services alert was updated to return just one Staff row, even if they are Staff on multiple Episodes or have more than one Role for the same Episode.



An issue was reported where a Staff’s name was displayed multiple times in the Supervisor column on the Configuration > Staff/Users > Staff > Employment screen. The staff name was displayed once for each Employment grid entry they had. The issue is addressed, and now Staff names are displayed just one time regardless of the number of Employment entries, and the names displayed in the list are limited to only those where the Is Supervisor value is Yes.



An issue was reported where the Client List Filter did not return the expected results after assigning a newly entered Staff to a single client’s Episode and Enrollment with the current date as the Start Date. This staff’s Client List Filter was set to Enrollment Staff and the one client should have been returned in their client list, but no clients were listed.

The issue was resolved by ensuring that the current date is included when evaluating when a Client List Filter is applied. In addition, a change was made to ensure the Clients menu search (sycamore) is initialized as needed to apply the Client List Filter, keeping both the Clinical Home and Clients Search list in sync.



An issue was addressed where the SAVE button was enabled in Configuration > Setup > Client Engagement > Client Portal even though all required fields were not populated. Now the SAVE button remains disabled until all the required fields have values.



Outcome Based Treatment Plans

An issue was addressed where completing an Objective on an Encounter resulted in the Continue Working button remaining in focus. Now after completing an Objective, the Continue Working button retains its normal state until the user hovers over it with the mouse or selects it.



Outcome Based Treatment Plans

Interventions with an End-Date before the current date can no longer be selected when adding a New Intervention to a Problem on the Client Treatment Plan. Before this change, the End-Dated Intervention could be selected but it was displayed with the Discontinued on MM/DD/YYYY.



Outcome Based Treatment Plans

An overflow issue for the Services information on the Encounter Summary card was corrected. It now displays correctly within the card, even on small screens.



An issue was reported where DrFirst failed to sync when a client had CELL phone number types listed. If two phone numbers both had a type of CELL, information would only sync if there was a secondary sync trigger, such as gender.

In addition, an issue was also reported where the Start/End dates or priority for phone numbers or client addresses were ignored during the sync.

Both issues were addressed, and now the sync works as expected when a client has two CELL phone number types. The sync process also includes the Start/End dates and/or priority for phone numbers and client addresses.

EV-5602 17699

An issue was reported where opening a Service and its Progress Note on a Client’s Timeline still displayed cached information from the last progress note the staff was working on under certain circumstances. This issue was addressed, and now the application clears the currently selected service when a new service/progress note is selected.



An issue with Add-On services failing to bill after being placed On Hold with the parent service was addressed. After the errors were corrected, the charge for the parent service would successfully create but the Add-On service was still held back, even after Retrying and re-creating the job after Reversing.

The issue is fixed and now Add-On service charges are successfully created with the parent service, even after clearing job errors.



An issue was addressed the font change on the Help > About page as the user scrolled through the content using the mouse.



An issue was reported where the incorrect place of service (POS) was reported on the CMS-1500. The issue occurred when the same Location component value was mapped to more than one Payer POS, and then multiple services with the same Location component but different mapped POS values were included on the same CMS-1500 form. The POS values were reported correctly if the services were not billed in the same job.

The issue has been addressed and now the mapped POS values report correctly on the CMS-1500 form, even if multiple services are included in the same job.



An issue was reported where the component code values from the previously added Defined Filter did not clear the screen (in Configuration > Services/Payers > Defined Filters) when adding multiple Defined Filters quickly in the same session. This issue was addressed and now the previous filter’s component codes clear the screen without requiring a manual refresh.



Outcome Based Treatment Plans

Updates were made to the pagination on the Events screen to prevent infinite scrolling. Now when scrolling through the list of Events, the list correctly stops when the end of the list is reached.



When scheduling a Staff Time Event, the CREATE EVENT was enabled before all required fields were completed, specifically Reason. This issue was addressed and now all required fields must be populated before the CREATE EVENT button is enabled.



In the Clients > Schedule > Config Options, the Show Staff Schedule Filters label was left-aligned to match the Show Resources label above it.



An issue was addressed where entering a date using the number pad on the keyboard resulted in a Fatal Error when working in Clients > Diagnosis or adding/editing a participant in Groups. Now entering dates is successful using the date picker or the number pad.



An issue was reported where the accounts in the GL Mapping designated as the Use as the client payment default were not used when posting client payments from clients without an active/any self-pay payer. This only occurred if a regular default GL Mapping was also defined and active.

The issue was addressed and now client payments from clients without an active/any self-pay payer are posted to the GL Mapping with the Use as the client payment default checkbox selected.

  • If there is no self-pay default mapping, then the system falls back to the regular default GL Mapping.

  • If a regular default mapping is not defined or active, then the following error is triggered when creating a Post to GL job “Could not locate GL mapping for transaction code.”



Outcome Based Treatment Plans

Updates were made to ensure the database connection is in place before the FDNext form validations are called.



A regression was reported where the Import 835 job no longer fell back to the Service Date Period to match charges when the claim date was not provided. This issue has been addressed.



An issue was addressed where granting Emergency Access to a Client was respected in the Clinical Home Search but that same Client was not returned in a search from the Clients menu. Now both lists, Clinical Home and Clients, return the same Clients, even when Emergency Access is granted.



An issue was reported where Events with Services were not redirecting properly when the Group Session Workflow feature was enabled. This issue was resolved, and the behavior when viewing single client Events is consistent in both the Clinical Home and Client Scheduler pages whether or not the Group Workflow option is enabled. The behavior for both Single Client Events and Group Events is summarized below.

Staff Time Events, Future or Past

  • Double-clicking a Staff Time Event always opens the Event form.

Single Client Events, Future or Past

  • Double-clicking the Event opens the Event form when a Service has not been created.

  • Double-clicking the Event opens the Service form when a Service has been created.

Group Events

  • Group Events are not opened from the Clients > Schedule page. Only the Group Name, Staff, and Event Date and Time display.

  • With Group Session Workflow Enabled,

    • Double-clicking a PAST Group Event when a Service has NOT been created for one or more Group members opens to the Group Session Attendance tab.

    • Double-clicking a PAST Group Event when a Service has been created for one or more members opens to the Group Session Services tab.

    • Double-clicking a FUTURE Group Event opens to the Event form whether or not a Service has been created for a Group member.

  • With Group Session Workflow Disabled,

    • Double-clicking a PAST or FUTURE Event always opens the Event form.



An issue was reported where pdfs from some facilities for Lab Orders or Results contained slightly different encoding. When this page was selected to view, only a blank screen was displayed. The issue was addressed and now both types of pdfs are viewable.



An issue was addressed where the SAVE was enabled before all required Policy Holder fields were populated in Clients > Payers. Now SAVE remains disabled until all required fields have a value.

Mon, 03/06/2023 - 09:00