

The Unsolicited screen contains all received results that remain unmatched after being imported. Here, users can view suggested matches and assign results to a Client manually. An unsolicited result may not be acknowledged until it is manually matched to a Client and moved to the Orders & Results screen

Unsolicited Screen
  • Start and End Date filters are available to limit the displayed items to a specific date or date range.
  • The list items are displayed by Test Date in descending order.
  • The Client Name and Code displayed in the list is parsed from the results file.
  • Select the blue Archive icon to remove the result from the screen.
    • This action is also available in the Unsolicited Lab Details screen.
    • A confirmation box displays as once a result is archived; it is not accessible via the application.
    • Archived results remain in the database in dbo.LabResults with a Status of ARCHIVED.
  • Click on row to view the Unsolicited Lab Details screen.
Unsolicited Lab Results
  • Select the blue SEND icon to send the results to another user’s inbox or to a Group Inbox.
  • The result details display in the left-hand pane.
  • Use the blue icon to toggle between document types - HTML, PDF, or HL7.
  • In the right-hand pane, a list of suggested Client matches is displayed.
    •  The system performs a smart search based on the Client Name parsed from the lab results file.
    •  Click into the search field and start typing to perform a Client search manually.
    • When the matching Client is found, select the card to assign the Client to the unsolicited results.
    • The following confirmation screen displays.
    • Assign Client
    • After selecting ASSIGN, a yellow banner displays indicating that the unsolicited result was moved to the ORDER & RESULTS tab, and the suggested Clients list is replaced by a single card for the selected Client.
    • Unsolicited Results Assigned to Client
    • The blue VIEW RESULTS in the yellow banner links to the new location for these Results on the Lab Order Details screen where the result can be acknowledged.
  • Internal comments may be assigned to the unsolicited lab before it is assigned to a Client. This is also a 500 character max field, dbo.LabResults.Comments.
  • If an unsolicited result is determined to be unrelated to any Client in the agency, select the blue Archive folder to remove it from the screen. The Status column for this record in dbo.LabResults is updated to ARCHIVED.
Tue, 02/14/2023 - 10:34