Configuring Families

Configuring Families

Some configuration is required before the Families feature is available to use. The following questions are provided to help administrators make decisions about how the feature is used and gather the necessary information in advance.

  • Which User Groups should have access?
  • What level of access does each User Group need?
  • Will forms be used?
    • Which forms will be used?
    • Do users need access to previously completed forms or form history?  
  • Will documents be used? 
    • Are any new Document Categories needed?
    • Which User Groups need permission?
    • What level of Documents permission is needed? 
    • Will Family Documents be audited?

Configuring User Access to Families

User Group access to the Families feature is configurable for the Families main menu option, the new Family Client tab, or both. Menu access is determined by User Group in Configuration > Staff/Users > User Groups > Menu Options. For the Clients Family tab, User Groups may be granted Read Only or Edit access; by default, the tab is Disabled.

User Group Menu Access to Families

A Families:Add feature permission must also be selected for the User Groups responsible for Adding Families.

Families: Add Permission

Please Note that without the add permission, users with access to the Families main menu option or edit access to the Family tab in the Clients menu are not able to create new Families; they only are able to add Clients to, and remove Clients from, existing Families. 

Configuring User Group Permissions for Documents

Working with Documents in the Families feature (menu or Client tab) works just like Documents in the Clients tab and the same Document Permissions apply. The permissions are defined in Configuration > Staff/Users > Permissions > Document Categories. Keep in mind that the Document Categories listed in the Permissions configuration are created by the agency in Configuration > Setup > Defined Lists > Document Categories. If new Categories are needed for Family Documents, the Defined List must be updated before the Permissions can be set.

Document Categories Permissions

Please note that if a user does not have access to the Families main menu option and has READ ONLY access to the Family tab in the Clients menu, the blue UPLOAD button is not available even if they have permission enabled to a Document Category used in Families. Users with this configuration can only view documents uploaded by other users. 

Defining Family Member Roles and Labels

The Family Member Roles and Family Member Labels values must be created in Configuration > Setup > Defined Lists. The Family Member Role is a required field when adding members to a Family and can only have one value selected, while the Family Member Label is optional and can have multiple values selected. The Role is intended to define the Members relationship within the Family while the Label is intended to provide additional Member detail.

Families Defined Lists

Defining Forms for the Available Forms List

The use of custom forms is supported in the Family screens - main menu option or Client tab. The application passes the Family id to the form which allows it to be pinned or Attached to the family once saved. Users do not need the Families:Add permission to view and complete forms. If a user accesses the Families feature via the Family tab in the Clients menu, that user needs edit permission (for the Family tab) if they are responsible for completing and attaching forms to a Family. If a form is used to create multiple records per Family, a form with a navigation grid should be created to make those records accessible.

For forms to appear in the Available Forms list AND be successfully Attached to a Family,

  • The form must be tagged with the Form Location of FAMILY.
  • The table for the custom form must have a FAMILY column.
  • A field on the form must be mapped to the FAMILY column.

If any forms/tables do not have the FAMILY column, the validation will fail when attempting to Delete a Family.

Configuring Audit for Family Documents

Auditing of Family Document is configurable in Configuration > Setup > Audit.

Enable Family Documents Auditing

Select cmis.FamilyDocuments, check the Track Changes checkbox and then select SAVE to enable Family Documents auditing.

Audit Search and Family Documents

Once Track Changes is enabled, View, Insert, Update, and Delete activity is viewable from the Audit Search main menu option.

Details of Selected Audit Search Row

Clicking on any Audit Search row displays the Audit Details.

Audit - Inspect description

And clicking on any Audit Details row displays the Inspect description screen. 

Thu, 08/19/2021 - 15:37