Adding and Managing Families

Adding and Managing Families

Once menu access and the Families:Add permission is granted to the appropriate groups, users can add and manage Families. The Families feature is accessible from the Families main menu option and from a new Family tab in the Clients menu. Either location offers the same functionality, however, the Family tab in the Clients menu lists all Families to which the current Client is a member. The examples below work through the Families main menu option screens. Click HERE to view information on the new Family tab in the Clients menu.

Adding a Family

Add a New Family

After selecting the Families main menu option, click on the blue +ADD FAMILY button or the blue "+" plus to the right of the search bar. The Add Family screen displays.

Add Family
Populated Add Family
Add Family Error
  • Family Code Prefix – The prefix is limited to 4 characters by default. An error displays on Save if more than 4 characters are entered.
    • A 4-digit suffix, beginning with ‘0000,’ is appended to the Prefix to create the Family Code (dbo.Families.Code). These digits are incremented by 1 for each Family added with the same Prefix.
    • The addition of a configuration screen, like the one used for Client Code generation, is planned for a future release.
    • If needed, the default Max Prefix Characters or Max Suffix Digits can be updated in dbo.ConfigCodeGeneration.
  • Family Name – The name can be up to 200 characters.

After a Family is successfully added, the search list is updated.

New Family Added to Search List
  • The Families list is sorted by Family Name.
  • When a card is selected, the Family Name displays in the search bar.
  • Delete a Family by selecting the delete icon (blue trash can) to the right of the search bar.
  • The delete icon is not present when there are existing relationships with the Family – Members, Forms, or Documents.

 Adding Family Members

Select the blue +ADD MEMBER button to add Members to a Family.

Add a Family Member

 The Add Family Member screen displays.

Add Family Member Screen
  • Client and Role are required.
  • Labels are optional and more than one value may be selected.
  • Start Date and End Date are optional. Use to define the Client’s period of active participation.
    • Use of these dates in place of End-Dating is recommended for historical purposes.
    • Adding a Client that was previously a Member of the Family is allowed as long as the Start and End Dates do not overlap the existing record.
  • Click the blue SAVE button to add the Family Member.
  • As Members are added the Client list is populated.

Managing a Family

A Family name can be edited if entered in error or the entire Family can be deleted as long as there are no relationships, forms, or documents. To edit a Family name, select the pencil icon to the right of the search bar.

Edit a Family

Selecting the edit icon opens the Edit Family screen.

Edit Family Name
  • Enter the correct Family Name and then select SAVE to record the changes.
  • Please note that changes cannot be made to the Family Code Prefix.


Managing Family Members

As members are added to a Family, the Client List is populated on the Family screen. From the Family screen, you can edit or delete Members, show or hide inactive members, or view the Client record.

Family Screen with Members
  • (a) Select the blue VIEW CLIENT button for quick access to the Clients menu for that Client.
  • (b) Toggle the Show Inactive Members slide to enable (blue) or disable (grey).
  • (c) Inactive Members Code, Name, and Participation Periods are italicized.
  • (d) Note that a previously inactive member can be added to a Family again as long as the effective dates do not overlap.
  • (e) Use the delete icon (blue trash can) to remove a Client Member from a Family.

Click anywhere on a member row to Edit a Family Member.

  • Edit Family Member
  • The Client field is locked but Role, Labels, Start Date, and End Date may be updated.


Thu, 08/19/2021 - 15:37