Defined Lists

Defined Lists

Defined Lists allows administrative users to enter and maintain drop-down lists within the application. This allows the selections within the list to better meet the organization's needs. The list below includes the thirty-two core Defined Lists currently in version 3.18. Please note that if a billing or state-specific Acorn is installed, there may be additional custome Define Lists for your agency. Each is listed below with a short description. Screen captures for the first few lists are included to highlight information in the gray header area. 

1. Client Contact Roles -  This populated the values in the Clients > Contact Info > (Edit) Contacts > Role drop-down box in the Roles/Relationship grid. that has the option to assign Contact Roles to each Contact entered.

  • Roles and Relationships are determined by the Agency and stored in the Client Contact Roles Defined List.
  • Entering Roles and Relationships requires a Code and Description. Click on SAVE to record the entry.
  • Stored in table dbo.ClientContactRoleDefinitions
  • See the image below for a sample Client Contact Roles Defined List.
Client Contact Roles

2. Document Categories - This category is selected when uploading a file on a Client's Documents page. The permissions for these categories are granted in Configuration>Staff/Users>User Groups.

Document Categories
  • To add a category, click on the Name field.
  • Enter the information up to 20 characters maximum.
  • Click on the blue, enabled SAVE.
  • Stored in table dbo.DocumentCategories.

3. Employment Status - Contains values for Client Profile Employment Status.

Employment Status
  • Click on Code and enter value up to 6 characters maximum length.
  • Click on Description and enter information up to 100 characters maximum length.
  • Click on the blue, enabled SAVE.
  • Stored in table dbo.EmploymentStatus.

4. Enrollment Admission Reasons - Contains reasons for admissions.

Enrollment Admission Reasons
  • Entered on the Client Enrollment tab. 
  • Code - may be up to 10 characters maximum length.
  • Description - may be up to 30 characters maximum length.
  • Stored in table dbo.AdmitReasons

5. Enrollment Discharge Reasons - Contains the reasons for discharge.

  • Entered on the Client Enrollment tab.
  • Code - may be up to 10 characters maximum length.
  • Description - may be up to 30 characters maximum length.
  • Stored in table dbo.DischargeReasons.

6. Episode Categories - Agency defined Episode Categories.

  • Entered in Clients > Episodes > Category field.
  • Description may be up to 50-characters maximum length.
  • Episode Categories were introduced to manage multiple open Episodes for a Client. A Client can have multiple open Episodes at one time with the restriction of only one open Episode per Episode Category.
  • Any existing Episodes prior to upgrade are assigned the default Category of Standard.
  • The default Category description may be renamed if desired.
  • Stored in table dbo.EpisodeCategories.
  • Episode Categories

7. Episode Discharge Reasons  - Contains the agency defined values for a Client's Episode Discharge Reason.

  • Entere in Clients > Episodes > End Reason field. 
  • Code - may be up 10 characters maximum lenght.
  • Description - may be up to 100 characters maximum length.
  • Stored in table dbo.EpisodeDischargeReasons
  • Episode Discharge Reasons

8. Episode Status - Contains values for the status.

  • Entered on the Client Episode tab.
  • Code - may be up to 10 characters maximum length.
  • Description - may be up to 100 characters maximum length.
  • Stored in table dbo.EpisodeStatus.

9. Event Resources Types - Contains resources used for event scheduling.

  • Entered on the add Event screen, navigate to Vantage Point>Clinical Home>Scheduler.
  • Name may be up to 50 characters maximum length.
  • Stored in table dbo.EventResourceTypes.

10. Form Unlock Reasons - Contains reasons for unlocking a form.

  • This drop-down list will display when a user selects the Unlock Form button on a signable form, typically from the VHR Timeline.
  • Code - may be up to 25 characters maximum length.
  • Description - may be up to 100 characters maximum length.
  • Stored in table dbo.UnlockReasons.

11. Gender Identitites - Contains values for Client Gender Identities.

  • Entered in Clients > Profile > Gender Identity field.
  • Description - may be up to 200 characters maximum length.
  • Stored in table dbo.GenderIdentities.

12. Income Sources - Contains values for the income source.

  • Entered  in Clients > Profile > Income Source field.
  • Code - may be up to 25 characters maximum length.
  • Description - may be up to 100 characters maximum length.
  • Stored in table dbo.IncomeSources.

13. Legal Status - Contains values for the Legal Status.

  • Entered in Clients > Profile > Legal Status field.
  • Code - may be up to 5 characters maximum length.
  • Description - may be up to 100 characters maximum length.
  • Stored in table dbo.LegalStatus.

14. Levels of Care - Contains values for Enrollment Levels of Care drop-down listing.

  • Entered in Clients > Enrollments > Levels of Care field.
  • Code - may be up to 10 characters maximum length.
  • Description - may be up to 30 characters maximum length.
  • Stored in table dbo.LevelsofCare.

15. Living Arrangements - Contains values for the living arrangement field.

  • Entered in the Clients > Household > Living Arrangment field.
  • Code - may be up to 5 characters maximum length.
  • Description - may be up to 100 characters maximum length.
  • Stored in table dbo.LivingArrangements.

16. Marital Status - Contains values for the marital status field.

  • Entered on the Client Profile tab.
  • Code - may be up to 15 characters maximum length.
  • Description - may be up to 100 characters maximum length.
  • Stored in table dbo.MaritalStatus.

17. Message Subjects - Contains the subjects which Clients may choose from when sending a message within the Client Portal.

  • Used when clients send a message from the client portal.
  • Subject - may be up to 200 characters maximum length.
  • Stored in table dbo.MessageSubjects.

18. Payer Categories - Contains the available categories for Payers.

  • Entered in Configuration > Services/Payers > Payers > Profile > Category field.
  • Code - may be up to 50 characters maximum length.
  • Description - may be up to 255 characters maximum length.
  • Stored in table dbo.PayerCategories.

19. Payment Locations - Contains values for Client Payment Locations.

  • Entered in Clients > Account  in the Payment Location field when adding a Client Payment.
  • Description - may be up to 200 characters maximum length.
  • Stored in table dbo.PaymentLocations.

20. Places of Service - Contains value for Places of Service. Prior to version 3.18 these values were stored in the code and not accessible through the UI.

  • Accessed in Configuration > Services/Payers > Payers > POS Mappings > Payer Place of Service, the drop-down list is populated with these values.
  • Code - may be up to 2 characters maximum length.
  • Description - may be up to 255 characters maximum length.
  • Stored in table dbo.PlaceOfService.

21. Referral Types - Contains the referral types for Wait List requests.

  • Entered in Placements > Wait List.
  • Description - may be up to 200 characters maximum length.
  • Stored in table dbo.ReferralTypes.

22. Religious Preferences - Contains values for Client Religious Preferences.

  • Entered in Clients > Profile > Religious Preferences field.
  • Description - may be up to 200 characters maximum length.
  • Stored in table dbo.ReligiousPreferences.

23. Removal Reasons - Contains the reasons for removal from the Wait List.

  • Entered in Placements>Wait List
  • Description - may be up to 200 characters maximum length.
  • Stored in table dbo.RemovalReasons.

24. Sexual Orientations - Contains the values for Client Sexual Orientations.

  • Entered in Clients > Profile > Sexual Orientations field.
  • Description - may be up to 200 characteres maximum length.
  • Stored in table dbo.SexualOrientations.

25. Space Characteristics -  Contains the types of characteristics a space may have.

  • Accessed when adding or editing Occupancy found in Placements > Occupancy.
  • Description - may be up to 200 characters maximum length.
  • Stored in table dbo.SpaceCharacteristics.

26. Staff Credentials - Contains the types of credentials which staff may have.

  • Entered in Configuration > Staff/Users > Staff > Credentials.
  • Credentials - may be up to 10 characters maximum length.
  • Description - may be up to 30 characters maximum length.
  • Type - There are three types available to assign:
    • C - Certification
    • D - Degree
    • L - License
  • Stored in table dbo.Credentials.

27. Staff Roles - Labels staff roles of an Episode staff.

  • Entered in Clients > Episodes > Staff Role column of the Staff grid.
  • Description - may be up to 255 characters maximum length.
  • Stored in table dbo.StaffRoles.

28. Staff Schedule Categories - contains the values for Staff Scheduler Categories. The Staff Schedule Category is an available filter in the Scheduler's Search for Next Available feature.

  • Entered when adding a Staff's schedule in Configuration > Staff/Users > Staff Schedules.
  • Code - may be up to 15 characters maximum.
  • Description - may be up to 100 characters maximum.
  • Stored in table dbo.StaffScheduleCategories.

29. Staff Skills/Characteristics - Contains list of staff skills or characteristics.

  • Entered in Configuration>Staff/Users>Staff>Credentials.
  • Namemay be up to 30 characters maximum length.
  • Stored in table dbo.Characteristics.

30. Staff Time Categories - Contains the available categories for staff time events.

  • Description is the only requirement to create the Staff Time Category.
  • Maximum length is 255 characters.
  • Stored in table dbo.StaffTimeCategories.
  • Staff Time Categories
  • These categories populate the drop-down list of the required Reason field when scheduling a Staff Time Even in the Fiscal Overview>Clinical Home>Scheduler
  • Staff Time Event Reasons List

31. State Reporting Ethnicities - Contains the state reporting ethnicities.

  • Entered in Clients > Profile > Ethnicity (State) field.
  • Code - may be up to 2 characters maximum length.
  • Description - may be up to 100 characters maximum length.
  • Stored in table dbo.StateReportingEthnicities.

32. Veteran Status - Contains values for Veteran Status.

  • Entered in Clients > Profile > Veteran Status field.
  • Code - may be up to 5 characters maximum length.
  • Description - may be up to 100 characters maximum length.
  • Stored in table dbo.VeteranStatus.


Fri, 11/13/2020 - 15:19