Client Payment GL Posting

Client Payment GL Posting

With the release of EchoVantage version 3.04 a new option is available in GL Mapping to define the default Segment 1 and Segment 2 accounts for Client Payments. Because Client Payments are not yet associated with Services, this default will be used when posting Client Payments to the GL. Get started by navigating to Configuration>Setup>GL Mapping and select the SEGMENT 1 screen. A default mapping for Segment 2 may also be configured following the same steps below from the SEGMENT 2 screen.

Add Default GL Mapping for Client Payments

Hover the mouse over the blue plus "+"  ADD MAPPING icon until the orange plus "+" appears for ADD DEFAULT MAPPING. Select the orange plus "+" to display the Add Default Configuration screen.

Add Default Configuration Screen
  • Enter the Account to be used as the default for the Segment Client Payment Mapping. This is required.
  • The Mapping Name is populated by the application, is required, and may not be edited.
  • Optional Start and End Dates may be entered if desired.
  • Select REVERT CHANGES to return the screen to its pre-edited state.
  • Select SAVE to record the default mapping.
  • Click on the 'x' in the upper right hand corner to close the Add Default Configuration screen without adding or saving changes.
Completed Default GL Mapping

The newly added default configuration displays in the Segment's Mapping list when Saved. There are no Programs and/or Components associated with this default mapping other than UNAPPLIED DEFAULT so these options are disabled for the Unapplied Default row. Once the default mapping is defined, Client Payments that have been reconciled and Marked Ready will be included in the next GL Posting job.

In addition, once Client Payments have become Payments against Charges, GL entries will be created to reverse the Default Account postings and post the amounts against the Service's payment. For example:

  • A Client Payment in the amount of $20.00 is entered and marked as Ready.
  • This $20.00 is posted to the default account of ‘0001’
  • $5.00 of this $20.00 is applied against an Active Charge.
  • GL Posting will include a reversal of $5.00 to ‘0001’, and a positive posting of $5.00 to account ‘1204’, the account associated with the Service to which the payment has been applied.
Wed, 05/27/2020 - 14:49