Moving a Form from CDT to EchoVantage

Moving a Form from CDT to EchoVantage
  1. Export the form from you would like to update for echoVantage.
    • Open Form from Form DesginEHR 5x (VHR/CDT)
    • Copy the Form Name from Properties and use it as the file name when saving.
    • Select File > Export Form
    • Paste the Form Name in and select Save.
      • This will create .sql files and a .form file.
    • Copy the .sql files to your R drive on your echoVantage SAAS server.
  2. Modify the Table script to work with the echoVantage table standards.
    1. Open the exported script in SQL Management Studio.
    • Open the eV_FormTemplate.sql script (template for creating new eV compliant tables).
    • Copy the original table name from the exported table script.
    • Double click on FormTemplate from within the template script.
      • Select Ctrl-H (Find and Replace).
      • Place the original table name in the replace with
      • Select Alt -A or the button to the right to replace all instances in the script (15).
      • Select Save ev_FormTemplate as… and paste in the name of the original table name to save outside of the database.
    • Copy the agency specific fields from the original table and place under the agency specific fields comment (do not copy Client, uniqueid_c, touch_user, touch_date, createuser_c, create_dt, noteid_c).
    • If you had containers within your form with multiple tables then you’ll need to update those tables as well.
  3. Open the _moveform.sql from the exported sql scripts.
    • If a FormLocation was selected in the original form then you’ll need to change it to the existing FormLocation value in echoVantage.
    • At the very bottom of the _moveform.sql you should see the insert into FormsWithLocations. Change the third value that corresponds with FormLocation to: 20180806141123080701FB75FC3E6411D8DD
    • Run the _moveform.sql and ignore the errors.
  4. Place the validations in the echoVantage database.
    • Open the _validations.sql script and run it against the echoVantage database.
    • If the validation used views or functions in CDT/VHR then those will need to be scripted out separately from the CDT/VHR database and placed in the echoVantage database.
  5. Open the newly imported form in FormDesignEHR 6x for echoVantage.
    • Select the main grid to view the form properties.
    • Select the location from the ellipses.
    • Select the new table name from the Table property.
    • This should automatically populate ID in the Form Link Field property.
    • Update Client to Client
    • Update date_d (or whatever the main date field was) to VHRStartDate and if two dates were used then use VHREndDate, too.
    • Update all container links as well as form link properties to take the new ID and Client columns into account.
    • Check the last property on the Form Properties: Use Legacy Styles.
    • Change form location Timeline to eV Timeline.
  6. Place the new form on the VHR within echoVantage via Configuration > VHR Time Line > Category Depiction Manager.
Wed, 02/26/2020 - 13:54