Using Events

Using Events

Events allow the designer to use Stored Procedures and Java, within jar files, to extend the capabilities of Form DesignEHR. Some examples include copying data forward from a previous record. Hiding fields and making fields read only based on conditions set.

  1. OnChange - the user changes a value and exits the field.  Example: Gender changed from M to F, OnChange triggered on exit of field, show or hide other fields.
  2. OnScroll - the record in focus has changed just by selecting a new one.  Example: A label to display a calculated age based on birth date.  This is recalculated as each record is selected.
  3. OnInsert - triggered when the form transitions to adding a new record.  Example: Useful for pre-populating fields when adding new records.
  4. OnDelete - triggered when a record is deleted.  Example: Take some action on child records when a parent record is deleted.
  5. OnSave - triggered when the user chooses to Save the record, or it is implicitly saved.  Example: Update another table based on data saved in this record.
Mon, 02/10/2020 - 12:00