Creating a History Form

Creating a History Form

Each Form DesignEHR form that will be on the Timeline should have a History form which will allow users to easily navigate to previous forms that were filled out.

To create a History form please follow these steps:

  1. Create a new Form that will be based off the same table that the Form DesignEHR form you are creating it for uses.
  2. Fill out the properties of the new History form.
    • Location – Timeline
    • Caption – Use the name of the form that you are creating it for and place History at the end so it’s easily identified as a history form.
    • Table – use same table as original form.
    • Form Link Field will be ID and will populate automatically.
    • Uncheck Show Navigator.
    • Check History Form.
  3. Place a Grid object on the Form. The grid object should take up about 95% of the form.
    • Grid properties  
      • Top: 13 (No Client name on top)
      • Top 39 (Client name on top)
      • Left: 13
      • Width will be determined by how many columns are shown in the grid.
      • Height:535
      • Select the ellipses by Table Columns and select the columns that you would like to show. The columns should include the VHRStartDate and any other pertinent fields that should be visible. Do not add the client or ID as those are internal ids.
      • Place the VHRStartDate in the Order by and select DESC so the latest forms are at the top.
      • Form Name: Select the form that the History form will be for.
      • Form Link To Column: Select the ID of the table behind the form that the History for is for.
      • Form Link Value Column: Select the ID of the table behind the form that the History for is for.
Wed, 01/24/2024 - 21:31