Creating a Form

Creating a Form
  1. Select File > New to create a new form.
  2. Place the following information into the form’s main property window:
    • Form Location; Timeline, Event Template Note, Progress Note, Treatment Plan, Menu, Occupancy, Device, or Remote Form. Read about each in the creating a table section above.
    • Caption – the caption allows spaces and it displays on the title bar when the Form is viewed in the VHR. The caption should be used instead of a Header at the top of the Form as it is what the caption is for. Please be as descriptive about the form as you can as it is what staff see first when filling out the form. 
    • Width and Height – avoid scroll bars whenever possible.
      • For VHR Forms use 900x535 which is optimal to support the lowest screen resolution of 1024x768. You can go up to 1000 x 535 without scroll bars.
      • For Treatment Plan forms use 692x460 so that there are no scroll bars.
    • Tabs - place in the name of any Tabs that will exist in the Form. Tabs can also be added, modified, removed after you’ve begun the lay-out of the Form.
    • Table – select the table that was created previously for the form – see step 1. *Start typing lower case letters to search.
    • Form Link Field should be id in all cases.
    • For Progress notes - check Hide Insert as only one Progress note can be associated to a Service. 
    • The rest of the settings may remain as they are by default unless creating a Treatment Plan Form. Check Hide Insert and Hide Delete for Treatment Plan forms.
  3. For VHR Timeline forms if the first field on the form is the Client name then it should have the following Properties on the Data Object (not label):
    • Tab: -1
    • Top: 6
    • Left: 52
    • Height: 20 
    • Width:400
    • Column: Client
    • Validations Data: Select the Client Table Driven Validation specific to your agency of the default.
    • Read Only - Checked
    • The client label Properties;
      • Caption: Client
      • Top: 8 
      • Left: 0
      • Height: 20
      • Width: 51
  4. The first field after the Client in every VHR Timeline form should be the VHRStartDate with a tab order of 0 and marked as Required. 
  5. VHR Timeline forms should all use Revision in the form.
  6. Date fields should use the default width of the Date Object: 110. 
  7. When using Radio-buttons add an NA default value as the value to be selected. Make sure that your column is large enough to store the Value from the radio-button. 
  8. When creating User Validated lists the Value (Code) should never be more than 20 characters. If the value is less than 20 characters then you don't need a translation. For example - living situation; Rent, Own, Live with Friend, Live with Family could all be created as a value without a translation, but if the value is greater than 20 then it should be shortened and a translation should be used as well. 
  9. Table driven validations should be used if you will have more than 50 records in the validation list or if there is a lot of data that will be stored. This is especially important if you're using validation lists within Grids. 
  10. Verify that the Validated list fields are long enough to display the largest value in the list.
  11. Spacing for Labels and the memo box should be congruent throughout the form and should start at Left: 13 and go the entire width of the form when possible. 
  12. When saving the form - use the name of the table for the main form to make it easier to find ex. my main table for the form is TEG_ClientContact so the name of my form would be TEG_ClientContact.
Thu, 02/08/2024 - 07:29