Client List Filters

Client List Filters

The Client List Filter Configuration allows the system to be configured to only allow Staff access to specific clients. To get started click the Staff Name to display the Client List Filter setup.

Pick Staff

Filter Types

No Filter - Select no filter to authorize the Staff to view all clients.

Enrollment Staff - Select Enrollment Staff to only authorize the  person to view clients that he or she is the listed Enrollment staff.

Enrollment Program -  Select Enrollment Program to limit the Staff to view clients enrolled in specific program or programs. More than one program maybe selected from the drop-down list.

Configuration Client List Filters Enrollment Program

Episode Staff - Select Episode Staff to only authorize the  person to view clients that he or she is the listed Enrollment staff.

Linked Staff - The Linked Staff option allows the staff person to be linked to another, such as a supervisor or a colleague. Both Enrollment Staff and Episode Staff have the Linked Staff option. Any staff may be linked to more than one staff at a time.

  • For example, If the Client List Filter is set to Enrollment Staff with no Linked Staff, that staff person will only see the clients that have that staff person on their enrollment.  
  • In the example below, the Client Filter is set to Enrollment Staff  for Joe Staffer and Nurse Jones is identified as Linked Staff. Joe Staffer is now also be able to see all of those clients where Nurse Jones is the enrollment staff. This is a great option for supervisors or other staff covering while a staff person is away.
Linked Staff

When a staff has a client list filter applied, the filter icon displays to the right of the staff name in the list. (See circled icon above.)

Client List Filters SAVE

Remember to click SAVE after any changes. The on-screen action box (shown above) will display.

Redacted Clients

Redacted Clients are the result of a Client List Filter being applied and appear throughout the application as Redacted like the example below.


If a user tries to view an Event for a Redacted Client, the Event form opens with an Error message.




Wed, 12/15/2021 - 13:44