Quality Assurance

Quality Assurance

Verify the following before publishing the Form to staff.

  1. Timeline forms
    1. Add the form to the Category Depiction Manager via Configuration > VHR Timeline 
    2. Right click on the Header that you would like the form to show under. 
    3. Select the Form from the dropdown. 
    4. Select the VHRStartDate and if used VHREndDate as the date fields. 
    5. Save the record. 
    6. This will automatically bring up the Header/Form permissions. 
    7. Check the boxes within the User Group column that should have access to the form. 
    8. Review the Category Depiction Manager documentation for further use. http://webhelp.echoehr.com/configuration-setup-vhr-timeline


  1. For Progress Notes:
    1. Add a new Activity Code (Configuration > Component  > Activity) with the Agency code then a dash and a brief code about the form.
    2. Add the same Service Definition (Configuration > Service Definitions) and select the Activity Code that was created in the Component Codes.  
    3. Open the Progress Note tab and select the Form that will be used as a Progress Note. Example: Activity Code TEG-IND - The Echo Group Individual.
    4. When QA'ing the form make sure that the New button on the Progress Note is not there. There should only ever be one Progress Note record per Service. Disable New from the Form's Properties > Hide Insert. 

QA Process - VHR Timeline

  1. VHRStartDate or at least one Date field is required and is the first column (tab  0) the user enters for all Timeline forms.
  2. Verify that the tab order is correct. Start in the top left most object (VHRStartDate) and tab through the entire form. It should go from left to right and top to bottom. Select the table from SQL Management Studio and Right Click then Select "Select Top 1000 Rows". 
  3. Fill in data on every field and verify that every field is saved to the table. For memo fields fill in at least 200 characters worth. Copy the header then paste in the memo field multiple times. 
  4. Save the form and verify that it can be accessed again from the VHR. 
  5. Create the History form and verify that it works as expected. Open it and double click on a record, it should open the record. 

QA Process - Progress Notes

  1. Create a Service with the Activity code from above within the Services tab. 
    1. Select Services from the Left window pane in echoVantage. 
    2. Select the + button on the bottom Right of the Services Grid. 
    3. Fill in the date, time, client duration, and Activity Code (that was created above) this should resolve to the correct Service Definition. 
    4. Save the record and open the Progress Note from the bottom left of the Service entry form. 
  2. Fill in data on every field and verify that every field is saved to the table. For memo fields fill in at least 200 characters worth. Copy the header then paste in the memo field multiple times. 
  3. Save the form and verify that it can be accessed again from the Service. 
Tue, 05/09/2023 - 09:27