

TeleMedicine sessions within EchoVantage are powered by Mend. The following sections detail the configuration setup needed. A Mend account is required prior to completing this screen, please contact your account manager for more information. 

To access the configuration screen, navigate to Configuration>Setup>Third Party Integration and select the Mend tab. A sample screen is shown below with the fields completed.

Mend Third Party Integration Screen

1. Mend Config - Select the Enabled checkbox when configuration is complete and the agency is ready for TeleMedicine sessions to go-live. This box can remain deselected until all of the configuration is complete and a go-live date has been determined.

2. The following information is provided by Echo once a Mend account has been established:

  • Username 
  • Password 
  • Organization Id 
  • API URL 

3. These four drop-down listings allow the agency to determine which communication types for email and phone should be used for creating Mend user accounts for both Staff and Clients.

Staff Communication Types

Staff Email Type and Staff Phone Type are populated from Configuration>Staff/Users>Staff>Communications Phone Numbers and Email Addresses grids' Type columns.

Client Communication Types

Client Email Type and Client Phone Type are populated from Configuration>Clients>Communications Phone Numbers and Email Addresses grids' Type columns.

4. Location - A location code or codes specifically for TeleMedicine must be defined in the Location Component and selected on this configuration screen. The example above uses TM - TeleMedicine. 

  • View and edit components by navigating to Configuration>Services/Payers>Components.
  • The Location component may have a different agency assigned Component Label. In the example below, it is labeled POS.
Location Component

5.  Attendance - All codes that indicate a session will not occur, ie cancellations, must be defined in the Attendance Component on this configuration screen.

  • The example has three codes selected that indicate no session: C24, CAN, and NOS.
  • This allows a previously scheduled TeleMedicine session to be cancelled with Mend.
  • Similar to Location, the Attendance Component may have a different Component Label, or name, on this configuration screen.
Wed, 04/08/2020 - 11:18