Services without Diagnoses

Services without Diagnoses

In versions 3.08+, Services can be saved without a diagnosis in order to capture a provided service before the client has been diagnosed or be marked Ready to complete a non-billable Service that does not require a Client Diagnosis.

Service Definition Billable Flag

The Service Definition Billable Flag determines whether the Service can be marked as Ready without a Diagnosis. This can be found in Configuration>Services/Payers>Service Definitions>Profile.

  • If the Service is billable, it cannot be set to Ready until at least one Diagnosis is entered.
  • If the Service is not billable, a Diagnosis is not required and may be set to Ready.
  • When using a bulk method to Mark Services as ready (Mark All or Mark Selected Billable services without a Diagnosis fail. 
Bulk Actions Results
One billable Service without a Diagnosis failed.

Saving a Service without a Diagnosis

To save a billable or non-billable Service in Not Ready  status, the diagnosis entry box must be deleted by clicking on the trash can icon. This will remove the drop-down box, Primary check box, the delete icon, and will leave a blue "+ ADD DIAGNOSIS".

Delete Diagnosis



Fri, 02/28/2020 - 13:34