Service Entry for Clients with No Open Episode

Service Entry for Clients with No Open Episode

With the release of EchoVantage version 3.10 a new feature was added that allows a Service to be created or updated when the Client does not have an open Episode. This was released under the Feature Flag “SERVICE_REQUIRES_OPEN_EPISODE” with the default set to True to maintain the current default behavior of requiring an open Episode.

When entering or updating a Service for a Client that does not have an open Episode for the Service Date and the Feature Flag is set to True

Feature Flag Set to True - Error Message

1. The ERROR Client does not have Active Episode for Service Date displays.

2. And Save is not enabled.

When saving a Service for a Client that does not have an open Episode for the Service Date and the Feature Flag is set to False

Feature Flag Set to False - Warning Message

 3. The WARNING Client does not have Active Episode for Service Date displays

4. And Save is enabled.

** Please contact support to have this feature enabled. **


Tue, 03/24/2020 - 16:42