Stages of Change

Stages of Change

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Stages of Change is the only treatment plan configuration screen that is pre-populated with default values. The default Stage of Change names are Pre-contemplative, Contemplative, Preparation, Action, Maintenance, and Relapse.

Stages of Change

Select the blue +NEW STAGE OF CHANGE button at the top of the list to add a new Stage of Change. The following screen opens.

Add Stage of Change
  1. Name – Name is the only required field when adding a Stage of Change.

    • This Name displays on the cards in the list to the left is also displayed on the Treatment Methods screen.

    • It can be up to 200 characters but must be unique from other Stage of Change Names.

    • It must be unique from other Stage of Change Names.

    • If the entered Name is not unique, SAVE fails and the following message displays.

      Unique Name Required
  2. Start Date – Entry of a Start Date is optional. If entered, it must be before the End Date.

  3. End Date – Entry of an End Date is optional. If entered, it must be after the Start Date.

  4. The form action buttons display across the bottom.

    • + SAVE AND ADD ANOTHER – Select this to save or add the current Stage of Change and then immediately begin adding another.

    • DELETE – Delete is enabled for saved Stages of Change that are NOT already used in a Treatment Method or Treatment Plan.

      • If a Stage of Change is already used, the DELETE button is disabled.

      • Click on the help button to the right of the disabled DELETE for more information. The following message displays - This Stage of Change cannot be deleted because it is already used in a Treatment Method or Treatment Plan.

        Stage of Change Delete Disabled
    • CANCEL – Select cancel to exit without adding a new Stage of Change or saving updates to an existing stage.

    • SAVE – Save is enabled once the required field, Name, is populated.

      • Select to add a new record in txp.StagesofChange.

      • The Stage of Change is added to the bottom of the list.

 Selecting a Name from the left-hand list displays the details for that Stage of Change.

View or Edit Stages of Change
  • Changes may be made to the Name, Start Date, and End Date for any Stage of Change, including the default values.

  • Warnings display if the validation rules are triggered.

  • The edits must be error-free before the SAVE button is enabled.

The list on the left-hand side may be reordered by selecting the 4 horizontal lines to the left of the + ADD NEW STAGE OF CHANGE button.

Image removed.

Reorder Stages of Change



  • The Reorder Stages of Change screen opens.

  • Drag and drop the cards to define the new order.

  • Select SAVE to record the changes or select CANCEL to exit without changing the new order.


Thu, 01/26/2023 - 13:46