Treatment Plan Types

Treatment Plan Types
This feature is feature flagged. Please contact your account representative or Echo support for more information.


The treatment plan types are entered and maintained on the Treatment Plan Types screen. After initial installation, a No treatment plan types have been configured message displays.

No Treatment Plan Types Configured

Click on the blue + NEW TREATEMENT PLAN TYPE to add a plan type. The following screen displays.

Add Treatment Plan Type
  1. The left-hand column is populated with the list of the entered plan types. A filter is available to refine the list results by name, and the add treatment plan type button is now located at the top of this column.

  2. Name is the only required field when adding a treatment plan type; it can be up to 200 characters.

  3. The remaining fields are optional.

    • Start Date – Cannot be after end date.

    • End Date – Cannot be before start date.

    • Review Period (Days) – If entered, the days value is used to automatically calculate the Projected Review Date when the client’s treatment plan is added.

      Projected Review Date
    • Summary Form and Problem Form- These forms appear on the first page of the treatment plan, directly under the Treatment Plan Period.

      • These forms must be created as FDNext forms.

      • Please contact Echo Support for assistance if a new form needs to be created for this purpose.

  4. Select the help button, blue question mark, for on-screen information regarding the Summary and Problem forms.

  5. The form action buttons display across the bottom.

    • + SAVE AND ADD ANOTHER – Select this to save or add the current plan type and then immediately begin adding another. A record is added or updated in txp.TreatmentPlanTypes on SAVE.

    • DELETE – Delete is enabled for saved Treatment Plan Types that are not in use.

      • If an existing treatment is used, the DELETE button is disabled.

      • Click on the help button to the right of the disabled DELETE for more information. The following message displays - This Treatment Plan type cannot be deleted because it is already used in a Treatment Plan.

        Disabled Tx Plan Type Delete
      • CANCEL – Select cancel to exit without adding a new record or saving updates to an existing record.

      • SAVE – Select save to add a new Treatment Plan Type or update and existing one.

Select the Treatment Plan name in the left-hand list to view the details of the plan or edit the record. The orange vertical bar indicates the currently selected plan.

Wed, 01/25/2023 - 16:31