
This feature is feature flagged. Contact your account representative or Echo support for more information.

The Problems page defines a list of potential Client conditions that require treatment. Options are available to associate specific Treatment Methods, Assessments, and Diagnoses with an individual Problem.

  1. Click the blue + NEW PROBLEM to add a new Problem to the list.

  2. OR select any existing Problem to edit the configuration. In the example above, the Trauma card was selected as indicated by the orange horizontal line.

  3. Name – Name is the only required field to define a Problem and may be up to 200 characters in length.

  4. Start Date and End Date – Use these optional fields to define the active date range for the Problem. End-dated problems are not available to select when adding a new Client Treatment Plan or reviewing an existing Client Treatment Plan.

  5. Treatment Methods – Use the multi-select field to associate Treatment Methods with this Problem.

    • None, one, or more Treatment Methods can be associated with this Problem.

    • Selections are stored in the txp.TreatmentMethodProblems table.

    • Leave blank for all methods to be available for selection when adding an Intervention for this Problem in the Client’s Treatment Plan.

    • When selections are made, the Treatment Methods drop-down is limited to the methods selected for this Problem in the Client’s Treatment Plan, helping to maintain consistency in treatment for this Problem across the agency.

  6. Assessments – Use the multi-select field to associate Assessments with this Problem.

    • Assessments associated with a Problem are stored in txp.ProblemAssessments.

    • If an assessment is associated with a problem, and a Client scores in the range that Indicates Need based on the assessment’s rules, then the problem becomes a suggested problem on the Client’s Treatment Plan if it is not currently being treated.

  7. Billable ICD-10 Diagnoses – Use this section to associate specific diagnoses, groups of diagnoses, or all diagnoses as billable for this Problem.

    • (a) Slide the toggle to enable ALL diagnoses as billable.

    • (b) Selecting the + ADD DIAGNOSIS displays the following screen.

      • Add Diagnosis to Problem
      • Enter the full ICD-10 code to add a specific Diagnosis.

      • Add Specific Diagnosis
      • Enter an ICD-10 prefix to add all diagnoses in the group.

      • Add Group of Diagnoses to Problem
    • (c) Remove any unwanted diagnoses from the billable list by selecting the delete icon.

    • Diagnoses defined as billable for a Problem are stored in the txp.ProblemDiagnoses table.

  8. The form action buttons display across the bottom.

    • + SAVE AND ADD ANOTHER – Select this to save or add the current Problem and then immediately begin adding another.

    • DELETE – Delete is enabled for saved Problems that are NOT already used in a Client Treatment Plan.

      • If a Problem is already used in a Client Treatment Plan, the DELETE button is disabled.

      • Click on the help button to the right of the disabled DELETE for more information. The following message displays - This Problem cannot be deleted because it is already used in a Treatment Plan.

        Problem Delete Disabled
    • CANCEL – Select cancel to exit without adding a new Problem or saving updates to an existing Problem.

    • SAVE – Select save to add a new record or update an existing record in txp.Problems.

Thu, 01/26/2023 - 13:36