NewCrop Medications - Launch NewCrop

NewCrop Medications - Launch NewCrop
Note: You must be a member of a user group that has been granted access to the NewCrop Medications form on the VHR Timeline. You must also have previously completed the registration with NewCrop.


Whether you are a prescriber, nurse, or staff, you will access NewCrop from the client's VHR Timeline in EchoVantage.

Launch NewCrop


  • Select the desired client using the Clinical Home > Client List search or the Clients search.

  • Navigate to the Timeline tab.

  • Locate the Medications header and then the NewCrop Medications form.

  • Select the green plus "+" to add a new record. This launches the NewCrop ePrescribe application with the currently selected EchoVantage client in focus.


Mon, 06/26/2023 - 15:20