Unmapped Allergies and Diagnoses v3.49

Unmapped Allergies and Diagnoses v3.49

Once the migration is complete, allergies and diagnoses that could not be mapped are stored in the dbo.UnmappedDrFirstAllergies and dbo.UnmappedDrFirstDiagnoses tables respectively. These will need reconciled in EchoVantage before they will be uploaded or synced with NewCrop, because EchoVantage is the source of truth for all Allergy and Diagnosis information.

Reconciling Diagnoses

If a client has unreconciled diagnoses after the migration, a banner displays on the Timeline.

Navigate to the Diagnosis tab to reconcile these by either removing or adding the record.

  • Select the Remove button if the diagnosis is not needed. This removes it from the reconcile list and does not push any information up to NewCrop the next time e-Prescribe is launched.

  • Select the Add button to add the diagnosis.

  • The Reconcile Diagnosis screen displays, which is very similar to the existing Add Diagnosis screen.

Reconciling Allergies

If a client has unmapped allergies, they will see this notice before opening NewCrop:

Selecting Remind Me Later and Continue to NewCrop will open NewCrop, however this message will appear again when NewCrop is opened again.


Unreconciled DrFirst Allergy Records:

  • Selecting Remove will deleted the allergy. User’s must confirm this action when this pop-up appears:


  • Selecting Add will open a Reconcile Allergy modal where user’s can add a new record or select an existing one:


EV Allergy Records Requiring Update:

  • Selecting Update will open an Update Allergy modal:

Unmapped/Free Form Allergies on CCDs

If a client has an unmapped or Free Form (other) allergy, they should be supported on CCDs.

  • Create a Free Form (other) allergy record for a client.

  • Create a one-time CCD export.

  • The allergy record should appear in the CCD AllergyCode.

    • ex: When Client Allergy…Allergy Code = AllergyCode = '74964007' (Other), then report
      1. <code nullFlavor="UNK"/>
Tue, 07/25/2023 - 14:43