DrFirst Medications Forms

DrFirst Medications Forms

The DrFirst Medications forms and depiction is present for any agency that used DrFirst for e-Prescribing prior to upgrading to EchoVantage v3.48. During the go-live migration process, a client’s full medication history is downloaded from DrFirst, and then medications within the last seven years are uploaded to NewCrop. The result is that medications for the most recent seven year period are visible within the NewCrop e-Prescribe software and the NewCrop Medications history form.

Access is still available to all migrated medications, even those outside of the seven year period, as the full history is stored in the EchoVantage database in the dbo.DrFirstMedications table. The DrFirst Medications forms and depiction provide a way for you to view this older history from within EchoVantage.

Reminder: User Group access must be enabled for these new forms in Configuration > Client Chart > VHR Timeline in the Medications Header Editor.

DrFirst Medications Form

You can view an historical medication details by double-clicking the depiction on the Timeline or double-clicking a row in the grid on the history form. Once selected, the medicine opens in the original Medications form. NOTE: there is no e-Prescribe button on the DrFirst Medications form.

DrFirst Medications Depiction

When the prednisone depiction is selected, the details display as follows.

DrFirst Medications Form

DrFirst Medications History

Use the History form to view a list of the historical medications. Double-click any row to view the medication details on the legacy form, just as shown above.

DrFirst Medications History
Wed, 07/05/2023 - 15:34